We are having technical difficulties with the app for purchasing tickets. Please check back the week of March17th. Sorry for any inconvenience. However, the 2025 game tickets are in and those who have ordered theirs will be receiving them in the mail soon.

We are so excited to announce we have tickets to the LA Dodgers vs St Louis Cardinals game on June 7th, 2025 at 1:15p (CST) at Busch Stadium. We have worked with the Cardinals organization to offer you the best seats available to enjoy the game. We are in the Right Field Loge, sections 234 and 235. Handicap seating is available upon request. Tickets this year are $60. Reserve your tickets early, these will go fast!

Previous Years


The Boston Red Sox vs StL Cardinals was our game for the 2024 season. It was on May 18, 2024 at Busch Stadium. Beautiful day with great friends, family and a Cardinal win! Pictured here for the field visit is Koen Lewis, Bob Padgett, Travis Burkhart and Mike Burkhart.


Here are our pictures from the NY Yankees vs StL Cardinals game on July 1, 2023. It was a fantastic day with lots of wonderful memories made.

Evan Burkhart threw out the "First Pitch". Down on the field with him were Alex Portee, Katie Bickett-Burkhart, Evan Burkhart, Mike Burkhart, and Travis Burkhart.

"Field Visits" were made by Dale Wilson and Jim McPherson, Jennifer & Chris Hadlock, Brady and Braden Willis, and Eric, Preston, and Mason Wint.


We had a great day at the park on June 25th. It was hot, but we live in the Midwest and that's how we roll! The St Louis Cardinals gave us 8 "On the Field" passes to give away to our supporters. We drew out four names and let them invite a friend! Pictured below is Thomas & Beth Gray with Mason (it was Thomas and Mason’s first Cardinal game), Kaleb Roark and Corbin Roark, and Ryan & Jessica Peter, Tom Wittmer, and Steve Rich were also on the field. We hope you had a great time and enjoyed your experience. See you next year!


We received our pictures from the St Louis Cardinals Field Visit on June 1, 2019!! These are the winners from the Field Visit chances that they purchased. Rebecca & Bryn Duckworth, Bryce & Erin Harris! Thanks guys for supporting TBF, hope you had a great time!!


We received our pictures from the St Louis Cardinals Field Visit on July 28, 2018!! These are the winners from the Field Visit chances that they purchased. Chris Reed and Nathan Lengacher, Robin and Austin Semmler (for Ricky Semmler) and Michael Sprinkle and son (sorry I don't know his name)! Thanks guys for supporting TBF, hope you had a great time!!


The fall of 2013, 2014 and 2015 were a great experiences and 2016 was a great time as well! 
