TBF Gifting Report
#2374 times community impacted
31 iPads for developmental/communication needs
$569,267.50 gifted back to those in need of medical assistance
Financially assisted with #40 wheelchair/mobility ramps for ease of home entry
allowing individuals to return/stay at home
What we do
The Travis Burkhart Foundation was established to assist individuals in need in the same way that we were assisted while we were in need. We have received and witnessed great support in the days and years following Travis' injury, and this is our way of giving back and passing that goodness on. We want as many families as possible to feel as supported as we did. You can read our full story here.
We aim to fill the gaps left by insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, assisting those who are struggling as a result of a injury, illness or diagnosis. We provide assistance in the form of money, food, gift cards, and information related directly to a medical need. We all know how quickly bills and expenses can accumulate, and monetary assistance, as well as simple things like food and knowledge, can help reduce the stress. We've seen a lot, gone through a lot, and learned a lot, and we want to share the knowledge we've gained along the journey with those in need.
How we can help you
How You Can Help Us
Do you want to be apart of what we are doing? There are many ways in which you can help us. We always welcome help in all forms. Monetary donations have the greatest impact on our ability to positively impact the community, but we would not be where we are and have made the impact we have without our volunteers.
See how you can help us here.
In need of assistance? We strive to provide assistance to those facing a sudden or prolonged injury, illness or diagnosis. We provide support in the form of food/gas cards and money for hotel and medical expenses related to undergoing medical treatment of an individual.
See how we can help you here.
Who we are
We are volunteers, individual donors, corporate sponsors, ambassadors, and community members looking to positively impact the communities we live in.
Find out more about who we are here.